
It is important to restore learning during the Covid-19 pandemic to reduce learning losses. To restore students' enthusiasm for learning after the pandemic, teachers must choose the right media to make students excited and also increase the focus of learning. One of the methods used to generate enthusiasm and increase student focus is to use new learning media, namely big book media.The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. Data were obtained through unstructured and in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques in the form of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and checking the validity of the data.The results showed that students' enthusiasm for learning after the pandemic decreased. This is caused by several things, namely online learning is too long, not interested in learning methods and not using any media when learning. Meanwhile, the teacher's efforts to restore students' enthusiasm for learning after the pandemic is to combine the lecture method with big book media. Finally, learning becomes more effective, this can be seen from the increase in student literacy and the increase in students' creativity in imagining.
 Keywords : Implementasi, big book media, ethusiasm for learning, post-pandemic

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