
Abstract— Pancasila as the state ideology is the basic reference for all Indonesian citizens in various sectors of life. However, the fact is that currently the noble values of Pancasila are increasingly being eroded due to the influence of globalization and the rapid progress of science, technology and art which are not well filtered. To restore the value of Pancasila in the life of society, nation and state, it is necessary to implement the values of Pancasila based on character education. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to discuss the values of national character based on Pancasila and the concept of character education based on Pancasila values for millennial generation students. The data collection method used was literature review with descriptive-critical analysis techniques. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the values contained in the Pancasila ideology can be used as a basis for character education for students, especially the millennial generation, which in its implementation uses the concept of character education from Ki Hadjar Dewantara which includes the Among and Tri-Nga systems based on the educational Tripusat, namely family, school and community. Keywords—: Pancasila Values; Character Education; Milineal Students dispute.


  • Persaingan antar produsen saat ini demikian ketat dan yang dihadapi bukan lagi competitor dalam negeri

  • Pancasila as the state ideology is the basic reference for all Indonesian citizens in various sectors

  • the fact is that currently the noble values of Pancasila are increasingly being eroded due

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Persaingan antar produsen saat ini demikian ketat dan yang dihadapi bukan lagi competitor dalam negeri. Dalam mewujudkan mahasiswa generasi milineal yang menjunjung tinggi nilai pancasila dalam praktik kehidupan sehari hari maka hal ini dapat diawali dengan menerapkan sistem pendidikan karakter yang tepat terlebih dahulu. Dengan memberikan suatu konsep pengajaran pendidikan karakter yang tepat bagi generasi muda, maka diharapkan di masa depan dapat mewujudkan mahasiswa generasi milineal yang memiliki karakter sesuai dengan kepribadian pancasila dan cinta tanah air. Ki Hadjar Dewantara merupakan sosok anak bangsa Indonesia, tokoh pendidikan yang banyak mengajarkan berbagai hal dalam pembentukan karakter bangsa dan sangat membumi serta berakar pada budaya nusantara antara lain Sistem Among, Tripusat pendidikan dan konsep Tri- Nga yang terdiri dari Ngerti (kognitif), Ngrasa (afektif) dan Nglakoni (psikomotorik) dari Taxonomy Bloom (cognitive, affective, psychomotor), sehingga beliau dikenal sebagai pejuang, pendidik sejati dan sekaligus budayawan Indonesia. Bagaimana konsep pendidikan karakter dalam perspektif Ki Hadjar Dewantara berbasis nilai-nilai Pancasila?

Konsep Pendidikan Karakter Ki Hadjar Dewantara berbasis Nilai-Nilai Pancasila
Sistem Among
Tri Pusat Pendidikan
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