
Based on this research background, itis to be formulated several problem as follows: Implementation of arrangement and development of street vendors in Bandung can not be done optimally, it still lack of supervision and place of relocation, it still less feasible and strategic appearance. The purpose of this research, to know and analyze how the implementation of policy in managing and fostering street vendors, the obstacle appears in the implementation of the arrangement of street vendors, and to know the efforts made by the Government of Bandung Municipality in the implementation of street vendors in Bandung. Research method will be applied in this research is normative juridical approach with analytical descriptive research specification. Data collection techniques applying in the form of literature study to obtain secondary data in the form of primary data material and secondary data are analyzed qualitatively to answer the formulation of the proposed problem. Data collection techniques in this study using primary data sources by way of observation and interviews with some SKPD Bandung, street vendors, and society in general. Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded, structuring and fostering street vendors in Bandung according to the policy of Local Regulation No.04 of 2011 Structuring and Fostering of street vendors is limited to solving problems to overcome the arrangement of street vendors in the city of Bandung Municipality. The low awareness of street vendors against the rule of law, lack of supervision and added lack of enforcement officers, and relocation of street vendors considered to be not strategic and inadequate. Efforts made by Bandung Municipality Government to overcome obstacles, by provide counseling, coaching to capital assistance to street vendors, and conduct the rearrangement in stages ranging from regional to city level as a yustisi operation. In the discussion of this study suggested that the implementation of structuring and fostering street vendors made Bandung municipality government can be done optimally, monitoring and monitoring is further enhanced, and Bandung Municipality Government should be continue to seek new relocation land to be a place of business for street vendors.

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