
United Nations as international organization issued an international convention to eliminate discrimination towards women, called CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of All Form of Discrimination Against Women). As the one of the nation that ratified the convention, Indonesia, adopted CEDAW articles that becomes UU RI No. 7 Tahun 1984. Indonesia agreed to prevent further discrimination towards women and implement all the policies written on those article. Unfortunately, the success and implementation of CEDAW is still doubtful, especially in political realm. The number of women political participation never reached 30% according to the affirmative action that is stated in Indonesian Constitution. The 2009 and 2014 general election showed that women’s representation in parliament in still low and not having significant change. The success of CEDAW can be seen from women’s political participation, measured by international indicator called GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure). GEM is used to measure shift and effectiveness of the implementation of CEDAW Convention in Indonesia, especially in political participation. This article concluded that CEDAW International Convention in political participation is not effective yet, considering the number of women in parliament not balanced with ratio of women citizen in Indonesia.


  • Di era globalisasi seperti sekarang, banyak isu–isu yang menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia

  • implement all the policies written on those article

  • 30% according to the affirmative action

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Konvensi Internasional CEDAW

Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang meratifikasi Konvensi Internasional CEDAW. 24 Juli 1984 dan sepakat untuk mencegah segala tindakan diskriminasi dan menjalankan kebijakan–kebijakan yang terkait dengan penghapusan perempuan.[8] diskriminasi terhadap. Salah satu indikator gender yang dapat digunakan di Indonesia dalam melihat implementasi dari diratifikasinya salah satu konvensi mengenai penghapusan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan terkait kesetaraan gender adalah Indikator Pemberdayaan Perempuan (Gender Empowerment Measure). Di Indonesia jumlah populasi perempuan 49 persen dari total keseluruhan jumlah penduduk, sehingga seharusnya angka partisipasi perempuan harus 49 persen pula dikarenakan rasio 1:1.26 Perhitungan yang digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengukur keberhasilan kedudukan perempuan di in Developed and Developing Countries : Evidence and Implication for Human Resource Development, hlm 4-8, http://www.ufhrd.co.uk/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2010/08/7_2.pdf diakses 15 November 2016 pada pukul 02.53WIB. Stephen Klasen and Dana Schu ler, Op.Cit., Jumlah Penduduk Indonesia Sudah 254,9 Juta, Laki–laki Lebih Banyak Dari Perempuan, 2015, http://www.hidayatullah.com/berita/nasional/read/2 015/11/20/83632/jumlah-pendududariperempuan.html diakses 13 November 2016 pada pukul 03.01 WIB parlemen diambil dari sebuah tulisan yang ditulis oleh Stephan Klasen dan Dana Schuler, feminis yang berasal dari Jerman.[27]

Implementasi Konvensi CEDAW di Indonesia
Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk
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