
A 2.2 kJ plasma focus device was analysed as an electron beam and an X-ray source that operates with argon gas refilled at a specific pressure. Time-resolved X-ray signals were observed using an array of PIN diode detectors, and the electron beam energy was detected using a scintillator-assisted photomultiplier tube. The resultant X-rays were investigated by plasma focus discharge for pressures ranging from 1.5 mbar to 2.0 mbar. This range corresponded to the significant values of X-ray yields and electron beam energies from the argon plasma. The electron temperature of argon plasma at an optimum pressure range was achieved by an indirect method using five-channel BPX65 PIN diodes of aluminum foils with different thicknesses. X-ray yield, electron beam energy, and electron temperature of argon plasma were achieved at 1.5–2.0 mbar because of the strong bombardment of the energetic electron beam.

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