
Radiation emission in a low energy (2.2 kJ, 12 kV) UM plasma focus is studied. The system is operated in Argon filling gas. Enrichment of the radiation emission yield is obtained with an optimized pressure 1.7 mbar. Time resolved radiation emission measurements are made by using an array of PIN diode detectors covered with few Al foil thicknesses, to be found at top arrangement at distance 43.50 cm from the edged-surface of hollow anode (18 cm length/1.9 cm diameter). A notable increase of radiation yield is achieved at 1.7 mbar, which is about 0.00253 mJ with efficiency of 0.00012%, and also a pragmatic consequence of ionized gas particles so-called plasma interference profile impact on the radiation emission taken as a whole. The findings may exceedingly take part in a foundation of potential applications of the electron beam emission from plasma focus (PF) device. Key words: Dense plasma focus, UM plasma focus, radiation emission, x-ray yields, argon plasma, electron beam, plasma interference profile (PIP).

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