
Abstract Global-warming-induced changes in regional tropical precipitation are usually associated with changes in the tropical circulation, which is a dynamic contribution. This study focuses on the mechanisms of the dynamic contribution that is related to the partition of shallow convection in tropical convection. To understand changes in tropical circulation and its associated mechanisms, 32 coupled global climate models from CMIP3 and CMIP5 were investigated. The study regions are convection zones with positive precipitation anomalies, where both enhanced and reduced ascending motions are found. Under global warming, an upward-shift structure of ascending motion is observed in the entire domain, implying a deepening of convection and a more stable atmosphere, which leads to a weakening of the tropical circulation. In a more detailed examination, areas with enhanced (weakened) ascending motion are associated with more (less) import of moist static energy by a climatologically bottom-heavy (top heavy) structure of vertical velocity, which is similar to a “rich get richer” mechanism. In a warmer climate, different climatological vertical profiles tend to induce different changes in atmospheric stability: the bottom-heavy (top heavy) structure brings a more (less) unstable condition and is favorable (unfavorable) to the strengthening of the convective circulation. The bottom-heavy structure is associated with shallow convection, while the top-heavy structure is usually related to deep convection. This study suggests a hypothesis and a possible linkage for projecting and understanding future circulation change from the current climate: shallow convection will tend to strengthen tropical circulation and enhance upward motion in a future warmer climate.

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