The occurrence of shallow saline water tables in arid zones provides for groundwater-fed natural vegetation and for a substantial amount of irrigated crops’ water needs. This is the case of the Hetao plain, upper Yellow River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, where one of the major irrigation systems of China and the World is installed. As reviewed, numerous irrigation and water management studies have been developed in Hetao and the upstream irrigated plain of Yinchuan, Ningxia. These studies have demonstrated the need for controlling salts through the autumn irrigation and the appropriate irrigation methods and scheduling. Moreover, studies evidenced the need for adopting irrigation schedules that consider groundwater contribution during the crop cycle but most of these studies were empirical, resulting difficult to transfer results. When models adopted were mechanistic, they are difficult to use for irrigation scheduling purposes comparatively with soil water balance (SWB) models. Thus, the current study used two sets of five static water table lysimeters cropped with maize and having water table depths (WTD) fixed between 0.85 and 2.25 m. It was therefore possible to observe the daily capillary rise fluxes from the water table, the dynamics of water and salts and to calibrate the SWB model SIMDualKc. Results show that the average electrical conductivity of the saturated extract of the soil ranged from 3.10 to 4.69 dS m−1 with the higher values observed when WTD was smaller, while the electrical conductivity of irrigation water ranged 1.73–1.87 dS m−1. Results also show that shallower WTD required less irrigation water but caused higher salinity impacts on crop growth and yields. Thus, the best WTD were around 1.75–2.00 m when basin irrigation was adopted in 2017 and 2018. In these crop seasons, the simulated groundwater contribution to actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc act) was up to 37% in the lysimeters having a shallow WTD (1.25 m), while in the lysimeters with deeper WTD (2.00–2.25 m) it was about 11% of the ETc act. Contrastingly, in 2019, when maize was not irrigated, the average groundwater contribution represented 73% and 49% of ETc act in the lysimeters with shallow and deep WTD, respectively. Results were obtained when a large leaching autumn irrigation (200 mm) was performed. Those experiments showed that, solutions for using basin flooding irrigation are ready but still require that irrigation scheduling is adjusted to provide for appropriate use of the saline groundwater contribution, which may be performed with the model SIMDualKc, as demonstrated by the high goodness-of-fit indicators used to evaluate the referred simulations.
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