
Storytelling in preschool ages plays an important role in the development of expressive and comprehensive language. Objective: to determine the impact of storytelling in the subtest of similarities of the WWPSI-Spanish Wechsler Intelligence Scale in preschoolers. Methodology: mixed, non-experimental, observational, cross-sectional study, with descriptive statistical analysis and non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The sample consisted of 21 preschool children between 5 and 6 years old. The total score of the evaluation is 22, in the first evaluation a maximum score of 15 and a minimum of 2 was obtained, an average of 8.80 and a standard deviation of 4.52. In the second evaluation, a maximum of 19 and a minimum of 7 were obtained, an average of 14.52 and a standard deviation of 4.42, demonstrating significant advances in skills for the semantic categories. Contribution: Stimulation through storytelling favors the development of the expressive and comprehensive language of children, so it is suggested that preschool programs include activities such as storytelling, as it is a fundamental tool for the improvement of cognitive skills and the integral development of children

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