
Today's highest-efficiency silicon solar cells typically operate near the threshold between low-level and high-level injection. It is not well understood if pushing further into a regime in which the cell operating point is solidly in high-level injection at all times of the day has further benefits for the solar cell performance. From a reliability perspective, cells fabricated on lower doped silicon have a larger breakdown voltage. This advantage can affect the design of modules allowing higher voltages and a relaxation of the number of bypass diodes needed. In this project, we present a comprehensive assessment, both experimental and using simulation, of how bulk resistivity, light intensity, and operation temperature impact the performance of the silicon solar cell. This work incorporates a comprehensive device physics analysis assisted by numerical simulation. The source code is now available under General Public License (GPL3), and to further leverage the findings of this project and outreach people outside of the scientific community, we are working with www.pveducation.org (which receives >1 million visitors a year) to create interactive content using our simulation results. The simulation results indicate that high bulk resistivity wafers (>>10 Ωcm) require bulk Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) lifetimes in the millisecond range to outperform wafers with standard bulk resistivities (<10 Ωcm). Additionally, above bulk resistivities of 10 Ωcm (the exact value depends on the bulk characteristics of the wafer), the cell efficiency is weakly dependent on the bulk resistivity. As a result, ingot manufactures may have an opportunity to further reduce wafer cost by growing higher resistivity ingots that are more tolerant to resistivity variations. This project is particularly relevant today, as solar cell architectures with improved surface passivation and milliseconds lifetimes wafers are commercially available, leveraging potential benefits of using higher bulk resistivities. Outside of interdigitated back contact (IBC) cell, reported studies on high resistivity silicon (>100 Ωcm) are very limited. To the best of our knowledge, this project provides for the first-time experimental insight on solar cells fabricated on wafers with bulk resistivities up to several thousand Ωcm, delivering a comprehensive vision of their performance under real-world temperature and light intensity operation conditions. We manufactured and characterized solar cells with bulk resistivities in the range of 1 Ωcm to >15k Ωcm. Under standard testing conditions (STC), we measured solar cells efficiencies over 20% over the entire range of bulk resistivities, using our baseline cell processing. To evaluate the cell performance in real-world operation conditions, the solar cells were measured at different temperatures (25-80°C) and at different light intensities (0.1-1 suns). The measurements show that the bulk resistivity does not impact the solar cell response to temperature and light intensity. Similar thermal coefficients (TC) were measured for standard and high bulk resistivities, and they are comparable with the TC values reported in the literature for standard bulk resistivities <10 Ωcm. After light soaking, the solar cell didn’t show signs of light-induced degradation (LID). This result was expected since n-type float zone (FZ) wafers were used in this work, i.e. low traces of boron and low concentration of oxygen (oxygen is typically found in the seed end of Czochralski (CZ) ingots). We measured for high bulk resistivities (>10 Ωcm) extremely high breakdown voltages (>1000V). In conclusion, the insight provided by this project can positively impact the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of the photovoltaic systems through its effect on cell and ingot manufacturing yield, silicon cell power output, and module reliability.

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