
Trona (Na3HCO3CO3·2H2O) injection has been used to control SO2 emissions in coal-fired power plants. This study evaluated the impact of trona injection on fly ash physical and chemical characteristics, especially the leaching characteristics. One set of paired coal fly ash samples, collected from a full-scale power plant with and without trona injection for SO2 control, was used. The results showed that trona injection introduced significant amounts of soluble sodium compounds into the fly ash, elevated the fly ash pH, reduced the ash surface area, and changed the fly ash morphology. A comparison of 30 constituents in leachates from both ashes demonstrated that trona ash leached significantly greater amounts of Na, sulfate, chloride, fluoride, total inorganic carbon (TIC), and oxyanions, especially As and Se. Effects of the liquid/solid (L/S) ratio, pH, dry storage time, and leaching time on As and Se leaching and speciation were examined. AsV, SeIV, and SeVI were the As and Se species in trona ash leacha...

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