
Introduction. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Well-known cardiovascular risk scales underestimate the possibility of the onset of cardiovascular complications and do not take into account the peculiarities of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. To improve risk stratification and timely prevention, it is necessary to study the risk factors associated with damage to the cardiovascular system in AS. Objective. To study the risk factors associated with carotid atherosclerotic lesions in ankylosing spondylitis. Material and Methods. The study included 32 male patients with AS who underwent a general clinical examination. In these patients, traditional factors of cardiovascular risk were identified; the activity and functional status of the disease were determined. To identify atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries, Doppler ultrasound was used to measure carotid intima-media thickness and to identify atherosclerotic plaques. Results. The carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) in the group was 0.9 mm [0.7; 1.2]; the median age was 38.2 years [32.0; 43.5]. With the application of age and sex norms, an increase in CIMT was observed in 80.6% of patients. The correlation analysis of the structure of traditional risk factors demonstrated the significant associations of CIMT with age ( r = 0.609, р < 0.0001), body mass index ( r = 0.439, p = 0.013), glucose level ( r = 0.528, p = 0.002), triglycerides ( r = 0.458, p = 0.010), and total cholesterol ( r = 0.398, p = 0.027). High rates of smoking (6 out of 16 against 14 out of 16, χ 2 = 7.888, p = 0.009) and arterial hypertension (4 out of 16 against 10 out of 16, χ 2 = 7.630, p = 0.009) were found mostly in the group with increased CIMT. No significant differences and relationships of CIMT with disease activity indicators and antirheumatic therapy were revealed. Significant relationships were found between the atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries in patients with AS with the duration of the disease ( r = 0.370, p = 0.041) and functional status assessed using the BASFI index ( r = 0.507, p = 0.004). Conclusions . The study revealed a high prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors among patients with AS, as well as the significant associations of the duration of the disease and the degree of functional impairment with the formation of carotid atherosclerotic lesions. The results of the study suggest that a more thorough assessment of CVD risk, as well as the use of additional objective criteria, are necessary for patients with AS.


  • Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD)

  • Well-known cardiovascular risk scales underestimate the possibility of the onset of cardiovascular complications

  • study the risk factors associated with damage to the cardiovascular system

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Материал и методы

Исследование одобрено локальным этическим комитетом Научно-исследовательского института клинической и экспериментальной лимфологии – филиала Федерального исследовательского центра «Институт цитологии и генетики» Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук. Критерии включения: мужчины в возрасте 20–50 лет с АС, диагностированным на основании модифицированных Нью-Йоркских критериев (1984). С целью выявления атеросклеротического поражения сосудов было использовано измерение толщины комплекса «интима – медиа» (ТКИМ) с помощью триплексного сканирования в В-режиме с цветовым допплеровским картированием (ЦДК) и импульсно-волновой допплерографией БЦА. Исследование выполнялось на ультразвуковом аппарате Vivid 7 Dimensional (производитель GE). Проводилось измерение ТКИМ по задней стенке общей сонной артерии (ОСА). Определяемой как локальное утолщение КИМ более 1,5 мм, измерение ТКИМ не выполнялось. Деление пациентов на группы по степени поражения БЦА проводилось на основании рекомендованного пограничного значения ТКИМ, равного 0,9 мм. В процессе формирования исследуемой группы пациентов с атеросклеротическими бляшками не выявлено. Статистическая обработка данных осуществлялась с использованием методов описательной статистики (непрерывные величины представлены в виде медианы и интерквартильных интервалов [Ме (Q1; Q3)], дискретные – в виде частот), χ2 Пирсона, непараметрических методов оценки межгрупповых различий (критерий Манна – Уитни), корреляционного анализа Спирмена

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