
Appraisal of safety of building constructions is one of the main tasks of their performance evaluation. During longterm operation period and permanently acting load together with corrosive medium constructions can sustain damage and failure. Of the most dangerous and widespread damage is construction corrosion. The consequence of the corrosion for reinforced concrete constructions can be the decrease of reinforcement cross and concrete section, distress in concrete under the pressure of corrosion products, decrease of the inner couple forces section arm, increase of the cramped zone height, danger of brickly concrete damage for bended elements. These factors negatively influence on solidity and strain characteristics of the structure and pose a threat to their safe operation. The article considers how dangerous different corrosion damage can be based on studies of different authors. The analysis of calculation results and experimental data is performed. Calculations of the column models were performed using PC LIRA CAD to asses the impact of corrosion damage on the stress-stain state of the joint collective columns and the possibility of their further operation.

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