
Shpat mountainous ridge represents a morphological unit with extremely prominent natural borders and rich natural resources. This abstract presents the natural potentials of Shpat mountainous ridge and a synthesized analysis of key aspects of tourism, mineral and water resources, forests and pastures management, etc. Shpat unit, is integral part of Bukanik ultrabasic massive, where are explorated cooper resources. The geological content of this mountain, contribues the mesozoic ultrabasic and flysch, calcareous rocks and quaternary deposition are also present. The morphologic and morphogenetic complex of the relief was created during the tectogenic period, especially during the tecto-orogenesis, where as consequence diverse magmatic, terrigenous and carbonates rocks were created. Structural relief landforms, are structural benches, flat surfaces formed in the aclinal structure, structural surfaces, denudational surfaces and concave fragment of front of the cuestas. The karstic surface forms were developed on limestones of different age and character. There is a conspicuously small number of dolines on the surface of the hardly dissolvable crystalline limestone, and the debris covering the surface is high enough for agriculture. The water infiltrating on the plateau surfaces in the karst springs. The knowledge of present morphodynamics implies features concerning the positive and restrictive role of each factor, which, by association, defines the potential of some gropus of processes and state of morphologic hazards in certain area. Such analyses multiplied in the last couple of years, when the occurrence of some mass wastings determined many geomorphologic risk situations allover Shpat mountainous ridge. The climate by regional and local differences of the weathering elements favorable to the development of morphological processes. In periglacial environments solifluction frequently occurs in association with permafrost or seasonally frozen ground, and under these circumstances it is more specifically described as gelifluction. Snow provides both and as ground insulation. The erosional potential of nivation is controlled primarily snow thickness or absence underlying permafrost. Cryoplanation terraces (also known as altiplanation terraces) are level or gently sloping surfaces found in the periglacial zone which are cut into bedrock on hill summits or upper peaks. The natural potentials of Shpat mountainous ridge have been analyzed as key elements of this area for sustainable development. The effects of the use of the natural resources and their influence on the economic structure have been analyzed defining the directions of the development on perspective of the rural area. The current developments at the agricultural rural area have produced changes to the physical-geographical elements, accelerating the pace of slope processes, where the predominant part of the settlements is established on the terrace levels, causing environmental degradation.

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