
Background: Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine with growth factor-like properties for monocytes and dendritic cells. Methods: Study subjects were recruited from the hospital in Hilla city. Healthy controls (n=15) and D.M. patients (n=35) were included in the study. Serum levels of GM-CSF and Anti-Insulin Antibody (AIA) measured by using ELISA technique. Results: The serum GM-CSF levels were significantly higher among diabetes subjects as compared with subjects without diabetes and results showed a high significant in serum AIA and glucose levels in patient as compare with control (p=0.009, P=0.001). The serum GM-CSF levels were increased in age group (45-54 years) shows the higher percent (42.85%) of patients with diabetes, with decreased of AIA and GM-CSF level rather than other age groups. Conclusions: There is indirect relationship between AIA and GM-CSF level and that is mean increased AIA and glucose level reflect the reduced GM-CSF level among the diabetic patients may be used as biomarker or use GM-CSF as co-therapy with insulin.

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