
THE CURRENT study was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Water Studies and Research Complex (WSRC) Station, National Water Research Center, in Abu Simbel, Toshka Region (laying out in the part of the south valley of Egypt, about 1300 and 280km. south from Cairo and Aswan, respectively) during 2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons to study the effect of preceding crop (PC1: fallow, PC2: soybean and PC3: sunflower), sowing methods (SM1: drilling and SM2: broadcasting) and nano-fertilizer (NF1: 0.0 Nano (control), NF2: 125, NF3: 250 and NF4: 500mL fed-1) on the growth, yield and its quality of bread wheat cv. Giza 171 in sandy-loam soil. The experiment was carried out in (RCBD) using strip-split plot design with three replications. Results showed that plant height, number of spike plant-1, number of leaves plant-1, flag leaf area, spike length, number of grains spike-1, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, protein content, hectoliter weight, wet and dry gluten traits were significantly affected by preceding crops, sowing methods and nano-fertilizer in both seasons. Wheat preceded by soybean shows an increase in all studied wheat traits than those preceded by sunflower crop and fallow. The drilling method showed remarkably superior performance for all studied traits, except the plant height and hectoliter weight which was recorded the highest mean values with the broadcasting method. Increasing nano-fertilizer concentration from 125 to 500mL fed-1 resulted in an increased significance in all previous traits, except for hectoliter weight trait which was decreased by increasing nano-fertilizer concentration in both seasons. Also, all interactions involved in this respect had significant influences on the majority of the traits, and the highest mean value of grain yield was (3.480 and 3.553 ton fed-1) in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively which were resulted from planting wheat after soybean (PC2) with drilling method (SM1) and spraying with 500 ml fed-1 nano-fertilizer (NF4) at three times.

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