
ABSTRACT A renewed two-step n-decane mechanism is presented to improve reliable and robust simulation results, substituting for kerosene. This mechanism demonstrates that effective control of ignition delay time and heat release, based on the Chapman – Jouguet condition, enables successful simulation of oblique detonation waves. Chain reactions influence the overall reaction heat and explosion temperature, especially in simplified mechanisms with few steps. Therefore, carbon monoxide (CO) generation is crucial for balancing the overall reaction heat and reducing species sensitivity to pressure, a factor previously not discussed in simplified models. The computational time for solving detailed chemical kinetics increases exponentially with species count, driving the pursuit for further reduction in kinetic mechanism size. The sensitive interaction between density and temperature during the fuel/air mixture explosion process affects initiation zone formation and cellular structure. Analyzing the distribution of CO can provide insights into structural details. The study considers applying the Rankine – Hugoniot curve to confirm detonation speeds, temperatures, and kinetic energy changes induced by chemical reactions.

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