
Abstract Tests were conducted at the Univ. of California South Coast Field St. in Orange County, Calif. Tomato seedlings were transplanted 13 Jul. on 5-ft centers and grown as bush tomatoes. Topically applied irrigation was utilized for 2 weeks following transplant, after which time plants were drip irrigated. Experimental plots consisted of four rows which were 40 ft long, each plot separated by a 5-ft buffer. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Insecticide applications were initiated at flowering (22 Aug.) and continued on a weekly basis for 7 weeks (3 Oct.), except for the SD compounds which were not applied the 5th week (19 Sep.). Materials were applied with a tractor mounted boom sprayer calibrated to deliver 100 gal/acre at 100 lb/in2. All treatments included 0.04% spreader sticker (Leaf Act 40). Three days following the last treatment, plots were evaluated for russet mite damage. Four plants per plot were randomly selected and rated on a 1 to 10 scale based on the percentage of total tissue damaged.

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