
Visually impaired or blind person faces many challenges in their daily activities, including purchasing medicines. To overcome this limitation; there is an innovative braille reading and writing system that has been introduced in the labelling of the packaging of pharmaceutical products. The aim of this research is to measure the impact of innovative Braille-labelled pharmaceutical packaging on the attitudes and purchase intention of visually impaired and blind consumers. We adopted quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative research aims to obtain measurable data in relation to the attitudes and purchase intention of visually impaired and blind consumers, on a sample of 72 visually impaired and blind people. Whereas, the qualitative research allowed us to investigate the opinions leaders: doctors in chemist, in relation to the current situation of visually impaired and blind consumers, in the field semi-structured interviews with 6 pharmacy doctors, exploring the importance of Braille labelling of packaging for pharmaceuticals product. The results allowed us to validate the hypotheses; Packaging for pharmaceutical products labelled in the Braille system has a positive effect on the attitudes of visually impaired and blind consumers. Packaging for pharmaceutical products labelled in Braille has a positive effect on the purchase intention of visually impaired and blind consumers. Attitudes have a positive effect on the purchase intention of visually impaired and blind consumers. The results allowed us to highlight the views of doctors in chemists regarding the importance of introducing Braille labelling into the design of pharmaceutical packaging.

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