
This article presents the obtained theoretical solutions for determining the degree of impact of ground transport vehicles on pedestrian undercrossings and shallow subways. Frequency characteristics of the transport impact on underground engineering structures are determined, and the maximum vertical load at high speed is found to equal 50 km/hour. With the increase of the speed of vibrational frequency the lateral vibrations of maximum amplitude occur and spike. However, the vibrational frequencies spike at the increase of speed, what may lead to resonant vibrations with underground structures, what will cause serious damage as a consequence. Studying of vibrational processes as the effect from the moving transport on underground structures it is easy to calculate that their impact is equivalent to seismicity, and can be deemed as grade 3-4 of a real earthquake intensity. The research reveals that if an engineering structure exposed to external effects of moving transport does not feature relevant protection of seismic isolation, it may be destroyed in case of a grade 4-5 earthquake since the accumulated effect will manifest itself as grade 8-9.

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