
Introduction. The development of an effective pension system is one of the cornerstones of forming a socio-economic model of state development for any country. The mechanisms of formation and use of financial resources of the pension system affect all aspects of the functioning of such model. Assignment of tasks of the organization of future provision of pensions only on some one of the parties of this process (state, employer, individual) is historically demonstrated the vulnerability of such “single-level” models. Accordingly, most countries in the world are developing multi-level models of national pension systems to create various organizational forms of retirement provision, to attract as many participants as possible, and to provide the financial resources needed to secure future retirees. The introduction of a multi-level pension system in Ukraine is still continues. Therefore, the study of problems of state regulation of the functioning of new forms of pension provision for the national pension system and the prospects for their development remains relevant. Purpose of the research is to investigate the problematic aspects of the activity of non-state pension funds as a component of the multi-level pension system of Ukraine and determine the prospects for their development, taking into account the influence of the state. Results. The place of the non-state pension funds in the multilevel pension system of Ukraine is defined. Influence and interdependence of activity of NSPF and other elements of an accumulative component of the national pension system is reasonable. Negative aspects of influence of the state on functioning of non-state level of the pension system in general and NSPF in particular and also consequences for development of activity of NSPF slowing down of development by public authorities of the accumulative making pension system of Ukraine are revealed. Conclusions and recommendations on stimulation of structural reform of the national pension system and development of activity in it the non-state pension funds are formulated. Conclusions. During of pension reform in Ukraine the state focuses attention on reforming of a solidary component of the pension system which covers a considerable part of electorate (pensioners) and slows down introduction of mandatory funded pension system as it will not have fast influence on the electorate presented by the working citizens. Development of nonstate level of the pension system in the context of social and economic development by the government is practically not considered and restrains by subjective factors: a voluntary nature, low level of awareness and trust of citizens and the enterprises concerning activity of the nonstate pension funds and also purposeful (or spontaneous) actions / inaction of public authorities which complicate operating conditions of institutions of non-state pension provision. Objective factors that hamper the development of non-state pension provision are the problems of the national economy, caused by the global and national economic crises (high level of shadowing of the economy and wages, outstripping growth of the share of current consumption in monetary incomes of the population, inflation and currency devaluation, reduce the possibility of the diversification of domestic investments and insufficient accumulated pension assets in foreign currency equivalent for effective foreign investment, etc.). Necessary condition of effective influence of state regulation on development of the national pension system is observance of the legislation by public authorities and appropriate performance of the tasks assigned to these bodies, prevention of emergence of legal collisions between rules of various acts of the legislation, full economic grounding of regulatory measures. The leverage of the development of non-state pension funds may be the introduction of a mandatory accumulation level of the pension system with the involvement of non-state pension funds in the maintenance of mandatory retirement savings. It can stimulate additional voluntary pension savings, a legalization of wages of the working citizens, increase in sources of provision of pensions of the citizens and increase in level replacement of labor income in an old age and also formation of a powerful source of investment resources for financing of national economic development.

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