
The primary energy demand in India is expected to increase about 1250 to 1500 million toe(tonne of oil equivalent) in 2030.As a result of increasing incomes and growth in economy, energy demand increases electric energy utility services in lighting, space cooling, industrial production, office automation etc. In 2011, annual average supply was only 0.6 toe per capita; whereas the world average was 1.88 toe per capita. To cater the energy demand with minimum CO2 emissions, two prolonged approach is employed. In the generation side, use of renewable such as solar and wind are promoted. In the customer end, a number of policy measures innovatively taken under Energy Conservation Act 2001.This paper analysis the impact of energy conservation technologies and along with the implementation of Solar Photovoltaic MPPT on the roof top of the Indian household. This combined approach will reduce grid dependency of Indian household and thereby minimizing the peak demand on utility.

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