
Cooling period of liquid metal while flowing under imposed magnetic and electrical field was studied for laminar steady flow condition. Computational analyses were done by ANSYS Fluent software MHD module. For applied each constant value of magnetic field induction (B = 0 T, B = 0.05 T, B = 1 T), the electrical field intensity was applied positively as E+ (1e-4, 1e-5) V/m and negatively as E−(-1e-4, -1e-5) V/m. Increase of the E+ field intensity decreased the local temperature (increased cooling rate) but also increased the heat flux and Nusselt number. Also, decrease of the E− in the opposite direction increased the temperature but also decreased the heat flux and Nusselt number. It could be signified that by the application of magnetic field or together with electrical field, the heat transfer could be improved or attenuated.

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