
Introduction: All components of the power supply system are sources of electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency of 50 Hz, both posing risks to human health. Estimation of predicted magnetic field levels from switchboards and transformers inside buildings is challenging and implies the importance of full-scale measurements of electromagnetic fields from built-in electrical equipment. Objectives: To establish the levels of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields during operation of built-in electrical installations in industrial, public, and residential premises. Materials and methods: We studied 50 Hz electromagnetic fields generated by electrical installations located in buildings. EMF levels were measured near transformers, switchboards, and switchgear. The electromagnetic situation in the rooms above the electrical equipment was investigated. The assessment of EMF levels was carried out in accordance with the current hygienic standards. Results: The intensity of electric fields near the equipment and in the surveyed premises was significantly lower than that of magnetic fields. The excess of maximum permissible levels at workplaces of operators servicing EMF sources in residential buildings was not detected. In the rooms of public buildings located above electrical installations, measured values of magnetic field induction ranged from 0.18 to 31 µT. The intensity of magnetic fields depended on the current load and the distance from EMF sources. Discussion: Electromagnetic field intensity depends on specifications of equipment, current loads, and distances from the sources of electromagnetic fields. Induction of 50 Hz magnetic fields in adjacent rooms may exceed hygienic standards set for residential and public buildings. Additional adverse factors include instability of magnetic fields caused by current load changes and significant magnetic field gradients in premises.

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