
Dynamic message signs (DMS) are electronic signs used on roadways to give travelers information about travel times, congestion, incidents, and other alerts. The reaction that travelers have to such sources depends on their perception of the utility of these sources. The effects of DMS on driver behavior and driver expectations of information for nontolled roads are well documented. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of DMS on toll road users in Orlando, Florida, by using a predeployment (one DMS operational) and postdeployment (29 DMS operational) survey analysis. A detailed telephone survey was administered, and modeling was performed to estimate the effects of DMS deployment on attitudes and behavior of toll road travelers. The satisfaction of travelers with certain DMS aspects and their diversion response to information on DMS were compared between the pre- and postdeployment survey periods. The results for satisfaction models showed that in predeployment, travelers valued accuracy and hazard warnings highly toward overall satisfaction. In postdeployment, travelers highly valued special event information, hazard warnings, and accuracy. The postdeployment diversion behavior model showed that increased travel time savings, 511 service, and cash mode of toll payment encouraged diversion. Travelers who experienced abnormal travel times on DMS or who reported that DMS helped them during congestion were more likely to divert. Further, this study showed that toll road users might have a greater inertia and avoid leaving the toll road when compared with non–toll road users. Implications of the results are discussed.

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