
The year 2020 and 21 have been very bad for India and the world. When Corona started showing its wrath, human life came in danger. It has inflicted wounds on us at every level, the economies of many countries have collapsed. During this time unemployment and hunger were very high. But the Indian government resorted to lockdown to combat this disease. Due to the imposition of lockdown and sudden stop of traffic, the migrant labourers had to face the most. The effect of the lockdown was reversed on human life, where the lockdown and unemployment forced the poor people and migrant labourers to return their home villages. The worst condition of this disease was of migrant labourers, who walked in lakhs of hungry and bare feet towards their local village along with their wives and children. Women were also not untouched by the effect of Corona. According to a World Bank report, more than 12 million people in India have reached the condition of poverty. Sexual violence, online harassment and domestic abuse have increased during the Corona period. As of 10 August 2021, a survey conducted last year (between June and August 2020) showed that on return to their villages, there was an average decline of up to 85 percent in the income of migrant workers. Due to unemployment, common men life has become more painful than before. It was found in many surveys that the effect of Covid-19 has been on people's employment and pockets. The survey found that a total of 66 percent of the people's pockets have been affected by Covid-19. 28 per cent of the people were cut in their wages, 25 per cent people worked without pay and 17 per cent people lost their jobs. The lockdown imposed by the Government of India and the government order not to go out of the house closed the whole of India. This had a direct impact on employment. Factories were closed. The employment of common man and migrant labourers was snatched away which forced them to return to their homes. The CMIE report said that between January and March, the number of jobs in India fell from 411 million to 39.6 million and the number of unemployed increased from 320 million to 38 million. Therefore a decline of 90 lakh in the labours force results in a fall of 15 million in the number of workers and an increase in the number of unemployed by 60 lakh. But the way the Modi’s government is dealing with the corona epidemic, 84 percent of the Indians who participated in the survey are satisfied with the policies of the central government. In comparison, only 43 per cent in the US, 56 per cent in the UK, 53 per cent in Hong Kong and 71 per cent in Australia were found to be satisfied with the government's work in dealing with the pandemic.

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