
Climate change has emerged as one of the major environmental issue due to it’s subsequent effect on food production and food security. The changing climate over the years posing a major impact on rainfed crops including pulses. India, the largest producer of Pulses over the world with 25% share in global pulse production are largely dependent on pulses that grows in rainfed areas. As a result, climate change are predicted to be more pronounced in these crops. Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases like CO2 act as catalyst on enhancing global temperature which in term affecting heat-sensitive Pulse crops. Such a scenario emanating from the climate change presents a veritable challenge to the food and feed economy [1].
 Pulses are one of the most important food crops which serve as main source of vegetable protein in human diet. In the recent scenario, we are observing a declining growth rate in pulse production. Inadequate and erratic rainfall, abrupt rise in temperature, untimely drought are posing threat to pulse production. Shift in monsoon causes delayed sowing of kharif crops as it’s consequence sowing of pulse crops in rabi season also get delayed. Delayed sown crops face terminal heat during it’s phenological growth which reduces it’s potential yield, on the other hand untimely rainfall in it’s reproductive growth period during the month of Feb-Mar reduces the yield drastically [2]. Other problems like salinity, waterlogging also act as menace in pulse cultivation. Last but not the least, changing climate often facilitates pest-disease infestation, weed emergence which can cause a huge reduction in crop yield.
 To meet these emerging challenges of climate change, there is an urgent need of developing proper mitigation strategies combining with Agronomic and breeding approaches. Intervention of Government policy and crop insurance scheme along with proper alleviation strategies will definitely contribute in stabilization of yield of pulse crops in near future.

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