It was studied the biological activity of an antidiabetic drug (ADD) metabolites representing the succinic acid derivatives within their subchronic per oral introduction. It was defined, i) the content of the proteins and lipids free-radical peroxide oxidation (FRPO) products, ii) the level of the nitrogen oxide stable metabolites, and iii) the activeness of the anti-oxidant system in the rats’ organism. It was found that the ADD metabolites in sub-toxic doses were able to cause the elevation of the FRPO intensiveness interconnected with the changes of the key antioxidant protection enzymes in the liver and blood serum. Impact of these compounds proved to lead to a decrease of the nitrite- and nitrateanions levels and so forth to additionally change the FRPO state in the liver and blood serum. It was concluded in stating that the specified changes of pro-/antioxidant and nitrogen oxide homeostasis may serve as estimation criteria of the ADD metabolites toxic impact.
КАТ К-ДНФГ антидiабетичний засiб альдегiд- динiтрофенiлгiдразон антиоксидантний захист активнi форми кисню вiльнорадикальне окиснення β-фенiлетиламiд 2-оксисукцинанiлової кислоти β-фенiлетилсукцинамiд глутатiонпероксидаза гiдропероксид лiпiдiв глутатiонредуктаза глутатiонтрансфераза дiєновi кон’югати каталаза кетон-динiтрофенiлгiдразон
It was studied the biological activity of an antidiabetic drug
Impact of these compounds proved to lead to a decrease of the nitrite- and nitrateanions levels
КАТ К-ДНФГ антидiабетичний засiб альдегiд- динiтрофенiлгiдразон антиоксидантний захист активнi форми кисню вiльнорадикальне окиснення β-фенiлетиламiд 2-оксисукцинанiлової кислоти β-фенiлетилсукцинамiд глутатiонпероксидаза гiдропероксид лiпiдiв глутатiонредуктаза глутатiонтрансфераза дiєновi кон’югати каталаза кетон-динiтрофенiлгiдразон
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