
This study examines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is slowly replacing Human Manpower in the Manufacturing Sector. AI technologies are becoming smarter and more capable, which has led to concerns about potential job losses for humans. This research explores the effects of AI on human workers and their roles in factories. This is important because it can affect people's work and livelihoods. We looked specifically at the manufacturing sector, where things like cars and machines are made. We have found that AI is replacing humans in some jobs, like those that are repetitive or routine. This means that some people might lose their jobs to AI. But we also discovered that new jobs are being created because of AI, like fixing and programming AI systems. We look at how AI is being used to perform tasks that were traditionally done by humans and the implications for employment. In conclusion, AI is making changes in the manufacturing sector, and while some jobs might be taken by AI, new jobs are also appearing because of it. It's important for workers and companies to adapt and learn new skills to stay successful in this changing job market.

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