
This report presents the findings of the impact assessment of the Vocational Skills component of the SCALE-UP programmes of CHF International implemented by GACEED. The objective of the study was to assess impact of the vocational skills training on the beneficiaries in Ga-Mashie in the Greater Accra Region. A total of 93 trainees comprising of 56 males and 37 females who had benefited from computer software training, mobile phone repairs, Bamboo craft and Grasscutter rearing were interviewed for the study. The training has contributed to a positive impact on the employment status of the trainees. General Unemployment levels decreased by about 67 percent while employment levels also increased by 35 percent. The student population also increased after the training. Employment status however differed among the various modules. Bamboo crafting and mobile phone repairs were the two modules where unemployment levels decreased significantly. More than half of the respondents trained in Computer software, phone repairs and Bamboo crafting were working in areas related to their training. Bamboo crafting module had the highest increase in trainees working in related field and this was expected because most of the Bamboo crafting graduates are engaged in the Youth Employment programme.

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