Mining and copper production in Bor, in the past hundred years, had a huge impact on the environment of town, but also in a wide region. In the area of Bor, in the zone of Mining and Smelting Company (RTB) activity, over 29,000 ha of land under forests and fields is degraded. The area of degraded agricultural land in the Bor municipality is over 60% of total agricultural land. Wastewater, generated in the sites of RTB Bor, pollute the Bor River and Krivelj River, which still flow into the Timok River and Danube River. These pollutions are often presented by low pH value, increased content of heavy metal ions, suspended particles and fine particles of flotation tailings, which is deposited in the valleys of these rivers on the area of over 2000 hectares. During the decades of exploitation of ore from the open pit Bor at different locations ("Visoki Planir" - also called ?Ostreljski planir?, "Severni planir" dump of ore body "H" (RTH)) gangue and tailings were delayed. The largest amount of tailings, about 150 million tons, was postponed on location Visoki planir. The effect of the mining waste and the impact of the whole process of processing copper ore to the final products on the environment, was conducted during the 4th study period of the project "Management of mining waste-tailing dump in the Bor region," supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion Science (Eng. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and the Japan international cooperation Agency and the Ministry of environment, Mining and Spatial planning of the Republic of Serbia. Influence of season on the level of pollutants in soil and water, the impact on water quality in the river Timok and the River Danube, was conducted during first three periods of project. This paper presents the results of the third study period. The third period of research, which was conducted over a period of 17. 10. 2012 to 17. 01.2013 year, included a review of pollution sources and define their impact on the environment. The study included the following sources of pollution: mining waste and drainage water originating from the active mine (Bor pit , field 1 Krivelj large tailings, flotation tailings in Bor RTH, metallurgical water), as well as the drainage water from the flotation tailings, which are no longer in operation (field 2 flotation tailings Great Krivelj, drainage water from the old Bor flotation tailings), the old inactive landfill mine gangue (Saraka landfill, Veliki planir - tailings from the old Bor mine, landfill mine gangue from mine RTH) and the city - urban waste water, which are discharged without treatment directly into the watercourse Bor River. Wastewater directly pollute Bor River and Krivalj River.
Lokacije uzorkovanja prikazane na slici 1 i date su sledećim oznakama: P-1 Kriveljska reka sa drenažnom vodom sa površinskog kopa Veliki Krivelj; P-2 Saraka potok; P-3 Otpadne vode iz Jame Bor; P-4 Kriveljska reka pre kriveljskog jalovišta; P-5 Kriveljska reka nakon kriveljskog jalovišta; P-6-1 Metalurške otpadne vode; P-6-2 Komunalne otpadne vode; P-6-3 Drenažne vode sa raskrivke u području RTH jalovišta; P-8 Cerova reka južno od površinskog kopa Cerovo; P-9 Borska reka; P-10 Kriveljska reka; P-11 Jezero Robule; P-12 Ravna reka; P-13 Bela reka posle spajanja Borske, Kriveljske i Ravne reke; P-14 Reka Timok pre uliva Bele reke; P-15 Bela reka pre uliva u reku Timok; P-16 Reka Timok posle uliva Bele reke, most na Timoku, lokacija Čokonjar
Dijagram zavisnosti pH vrednosti od protoka za drenažne rudničke vode, otpadne vode i rečne vode u borskoj oblasti prikazan je na slici 2
Dijagram zavisnosti pH vrednosti od protoka za drenažne rudničke, otpadne i rečne vode u borskoj oblasti
Prema rezultatima istraživanja iz 1989. godine, procenjeno je da je oko 19,300 km potoka i reka, kao i 72,000 ha jezera i rezervoara širom sveta bilo ozbiljno ugroženo otpadnim vodama poreklom iz rudnika [7]. Proceđivanje iz jalovišta ili direktno odlaganje jalovine u vodotokove može uzrokovati zagađenje površinskih i podzemnih voda [8]. Uticaj kiselih drenažnih voda na vodotokove može ozbiljno narušite kvalitet vode. V.R. GARDIĆ i sar.: KVALITET POVRŠINSKIH VODA U BORU I OKOLINI faktor je i puferski kapacitet recipijenta kao i udaljenost recipijenta od izvora zagađenja [9]. Uticaj zagađenja kiselih rudničkih voda na životnu sredinu je komplaksan. Kisele rudničke vode utiču na oslobađanje metala iz mineralnih ruda u životnu sredinu čineći ih dostupnim za akvatičnie organizame. Sediment predstavlja značajan izvor teških metala [11]. Vrednost pH je značajan parametar kvaliteta voda. Kako visoke vrednosti pH utiču na rastvorljivost teških metala, a samim tim i na njihovu toksičnost, postoji opasnost od oslobađanja metalnih jona Opasnost za živi svet postoji u slučaju većih vrednosti pH (iznad 9) kada je dominantan NH3 kao toksična komponenta [12,13]
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