
Abstract: Big Data and Cloud Computing as two mainstream technologies, are at the center of concern in the IT field. Cloud Computing refers to the processing of anything, including Big Data Analytics, on the “cloud”. The “cloud” is just a set of highpowered servers from one of many providers. They can often view and query large data sets much more quickly than a standard computer could. Essentially, “Big Data” refers to the large sets of data collected, while “Cloud Computing” refers to the mechanism that remotely takes this data in and performs any operations specified on that data. Cloud Computing services largely exist because of Big Data. Likewise, the only reason that we collect Big Data is because we have services that are capable of taking it in and deciphering it, often in a matter of seconds. The two are a perfect match, since neither would exist without the other. The combination of both yields beneficial outcome for the organizations. Not to mention, both the technologies are in the stage of evolution but their combination leverages scalable and cost-effective solution in big data analytics. Big data and Cloud computing are perfect combination. Besides that, there are also some real-time challenges to deal with. In this paper, discribes both the aspects. This paper introduces the characteristics, trends and challenges of big data. In addition to that, it investigates the benefits and the risks that may rise out of the integration between big data and cloud computing. KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing, Big Data, Scalable, Analytics.

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