
The present study investigated the localization of versican in odontogenic tumors by immunohistochemistry, using paraffin-embedded sections obtained from 27 patients with odontogenic tumors (17 ameloblastomas, 1 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, 4 odontogenic keratocysts, 1 calcifying odontogenic cyst, 2 ameloblastic fibromas, and 2 malignant ameloblastomas). Deparaffinized sections were immersed in a buffered 1 : 1000 solution of an antibody, 5D5 (raised against a large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan from bovine sclera), which mainly recognizes versican. All samples showed a positive reaction for versican in connective tissues, whereas positive staining of epithelial nests was observed in only some samples. The positive staining in epithelial nests was in areas showing stellate reticulum-like, cuboidal, columnar cells at the periphery, and tear-drop structures. These results indicated that versican might be involved in, at least in part, the morphogenesis of neoplastic epithelium and mesenchymal tissues in odontogenic tumors.

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