
The degree of the physiological development of the body of piglets in the first months after birth is important because, during this period, there is an active formation of many organism systems, including those that provide homeostasis. The resistance of piglets to diseases of various etiologies during life depends on the formation of the immune system. Our study aimed to assess the immune status of piglets born to sows that received injections of solutions of Iron(IV) clatrochelate and cyanocobalamin during pregnancy. To achieve this goal, two groups of newborn piglets-analogs were formed during their retention with suckling sows – control and experimental, 15 animals each. Piglets from 5 sows (3 from each) were injected into the experimental group, which were injected 10 ml of 10 % solution of Iron(IV) clatrochelate and cyanocobalamin solution twice during pregnancy (14 and 7 days before the expected farrowing) intramuscularly. Piglets of the control group, according to the traditional scheme of prevention of iron deficiency anemia on the second day of life, were administered irondextran drug uniferon (200 mg of iron (III) per injection). Piglets and sows were observed for two months; for studies of the content of immunoglobulins in the piglets' serum, the blood samples were taken at 1, 5, 12, and 30 days of life. During the experiment, the indicators of the content of immunoglobulins of classes G, A, M in the serum of piglets of the experimental group and the dynamics of their changes within 30 days after birth did not differ from the control. Two injections of 10 % solution of Iron(IV) clatrochelate in a dose of 10 ml in combination with cyanocobalamin injections at a dose of 500 mg of active substance to pregnant sows 14 and 7 days before the expected farrowing did not adversely affect the immune status of newborn piglets. Furthermore, this has a high prophylactic effect against iron deficiency anemia.


  • The degree of the physiological development of the body of piglets in the first months after birth is important because, during this period, there is an active formation of many organism systems, including those that provide homeostasis

  • Our study aimed to assess the immune status of piglets born to sows that received injections of solutions of Iron(IV) clatrochelate and cyanocobalamin during pregnancy

  • Two groups of newborn piglets-analogs were formed during their retention with suckling sows – control and experimental, 15 animals each

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Метою нашої роботи було оцінити імунний статус організму поросят, народжених від свиноматок, яким у період вагітності застосовували ін’єкції розчинів клатрохелату Феруму(IV) і ціанокобаламіну. Упродовж досліду показники вмісту імуноглобулінів класів G, A, М у сироватці крові поросят дослідної групи та динаміка їх змін протягом 30 діб після народження майже не відрізнялась від контролю. Дворазова ін’єкція поросним свиноматкам 10 % розчину клатрохелату Феруму(IV) в дозі 10 мл у поєднанні з ін’єкціями ціанокобаламіну у дозі 500 мкг діючої речовини за 14 та 7 діб до передбачуваного опоросу не впливала негативно на імунний статус новонароджених поросят, забезпечуючи при цьому високий профілактичний ефект щодо ферумодефіцитної анемії. Мета роботи – оцінити імунний статус організму поросят, народжених від свиноматок, яким у період вагітності застосовували ін’єкції розчинів клатрохелату Феруму(IV) і ціанокобаламіну

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