
We evaluated Zoletil on free-ranging red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Spain. Twenty-two pup and 49 adult wild-caught red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were immobilized with a combination of tiletamine hydrochloride and zolazepam hydrochloride in a 1:1 proportion (Zoletil). Mean (+/- SE) Zoletil doses were 10.57 (+/- 0.41) mg/kg (range = 7.58-15.39 mg/kg, n = 22) for pups and 10.51 (+/- 0.33) mg/kg (range = 5.88-16.67 mg/kg, n = 45) for adults. Mean induction and first recovery times for pups were 2.3 (+/- 0.2) minutes (range = 1 to 5 minutes) and 35.5 (+/- 3.28) minutes (range = 18 to 78 minutes), respectively. Mean induction and first recovery times for adults were 3.7 (+/- 0.21) minutes (range = 2 to 8 minutes) and 35.4 (+/- 2.22) minutes (range = 13 to 90 minutes), respectively. We recommend Zoletil doses of 10 mg/kg for red foxes. For wild adult red foxes of unknown weight, an initial dose of 60 to 70 mg Zoletil should be administered. This dose should allow about 40 minutes of handling time.

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