
The article presents semantic deciphering of fragments of thematicism of Joseph Haydn’s clavier sonatas from the point of view of the reduced score, reflecting the attributes of acoustic images of musical instruments and their diverse ensemble combinations. The deciphering presents the key towards performance of intonational etudes – artistic assignments dealing with articulation and transformation of clavier texts into an ensemble score in concordance with the traditions of 18th century salon music-making. The performer’s artistic work with the music in a piano score may be carried out with the active use of synthesizers. The two-staff keyboard graphics of the thematic development of Haydn’s sonatas reflects a large number of other, non-keyboard musical texts existing in a concealed form of a reduced score. The author presents a semantic deciphering of images of string quartets. The ability to see in the graphics of the music their most important artistic components is conducive to leading towards a delicate semantic deciphering of the composition for clavier from the perspective of a concealed score. This is exceedingly important for a sensible interpretation and stylistic articulation of Haydn’s sonatas. Keywords: Joseph Haydn, Haydn’s clavier sonatas, musical thematicism, acoustic images in Haydn’s sonatas, keyboard synthesizer.

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