
Research aims. To analyze artistic techniques (metaphors, hyperbole, associations, etc.), used to reveal opposite themes – heroes and enemies. To establish the connection between these tasks and the tasks formulated in the curricula of the discipline "Design Projecting". Research methods. Сomparative and art analysis. Scientific novelty. Introduction into scientific sphere some previously unexplored visual data, invented by creative individuals in a critical situation, namely – the samples of poster activities by students and teachers of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and Kyiv University of Culture during the period of active military operations. The research was made on the base of the corpus of works, made in the group Creative resistance of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and Kyiv University of Culture. Conclusions. Modern times have defined new heroes and antiheroes, as well as certain rules of their visual interpretation. Heroic images are presented through the sacralization, monumentality of the image, revealing the features of their national identity and relationship with the "pillars of the nation", national ideals. Emphasis is placed on rootedness in historical tradition, such as the troops of Kievan Rus or the Ukrainian Cossacks, the rebel movement, and so on. Interpretation of antiheroes ranges from demonization or dehumanization to caricature, equating to certain animals, shown as comic characters. Personification of enemy forces in the image of the President of the Russian Federation continues to extend hierarchically to the occupying army, court propagandists, and later to all of Russia as a state and the Russian population itself, as the majority supported the so-called "special operation." The stylistics of poster works, borrowing some elements from the pair "anti-hero vs hero" in the Soviet poster, finds and uses modern techniques and means of graphic solutions, involving an arsenal of the latest technical means that allow the use of modern computer technology.

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