
Evaluating image features is a significant step in image processing in applications like number plate detection, vehicle tracking and many image processing-based applications. Image processing-based applications need accurate parts to get the best outcomes. Feature detection is done based on various feature detection techniques. The proposed system aims to get the best feature detector based on the input images by evaluating the image features. For assessing the image features, the proposed system worked on various descriptors like oriented FAST and rotated brief (ORB), learned arrangements of three patch codes (LATCH), binary robust independent elementary features (BRIEF), and binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISK) to extract and evaluate the features using K-nearest neighbor (KNN)-matching and retrieve the inliers of the matching. Each descriptor produces different matching features and inliers; with the matchings and inliers, the inlier ratio calculates to show the analysis. To increase performance, we also examine adding depth information to descriptors.

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