
Photography was invented in 1826 by French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. Since then, it has revolutionized the modern world. From medical evidence in court & drawing images of industrial machines to personal photos for memory, not a single field is left untouched by photography. Nowadays when there is so many photo editing software, not a single one ensures true privacy and provides open-source code to ensure that no data is being collected. In six months of project making, we have developed an Image processing app that not only provides enhancement tools but also displays the power of steganography, a user-friendly environment to encrypt your enhanced images before sending them forward, and a magnificent display of Fourier series epicycles which creates an image using Fourier series, an intuitive way to learn and understand the beauty of mathematics. Mathematics could be called the language of science. Our tool proves why it is said so. And what could be a better platform to make all this other than MATLAB which not only provides numerous libraries but also is a powerful debugging tool that can display all the things happening inside the code. This app is built using the Guide function in MATLAB and has the potential to influence this generation toward data security as well as mathematics. Keyword: Enhancement, Cryptography, Epicycles, and Steganography

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