
Most information received by the human is acquired through vision. However, image has the largest data amount in three information forms. If the image is not compressed, high transmission rate for digital image transmission and tremendous capacity for digital image storage can hinder the development of digital image. For example, for a color image whose resolution rate is 1280×1024, each pixel needs 24B for storage, and the total data amount is about 3.75MB. If the earth satellite transmits the acquired image to the earth at 30 frames per second, the transmitting data size in 1 second is about 112.5MB. Under the condition of the existing communication capacity, if the image is not compressed, the real-time transmission of most multimedia information can’t be completed. High-speed transmission and storage of digital image has become the biggest obstacle of promoting digital image communication. So it is necessary to compress image. Data compression not only can rapidly transmit various information sources, improve the utilization rage of information channel and reduce transmitted power, but also can save energy and reduce storage capacity. More and more attentions of people have been paid to the application of artificial neural network to image compression, the reason for which is that artificial neural network has good fault tolerance, self-organization and adaptivity compared with traditional compression methods. So the predetermined data coding algorithm is not needed in the process of image compression. Neural network can independently complete the image coding and compression according to the characteristics of image. The paper combines corner detection technology with artificial neural network image compression, and designs a new neural network image compression encoding based on corner block with reasonable structure, high compression rate and rapid convergence rate

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