
<b>1097</b> <h3><b>Objectives:</b></h3> This study examines the influence of uinary iodine excretion on thyroid technetium-99m pertechnetate uptake with Graves,hyperthyroidism patients. Background:Previous studies have shown that low plasma iodine concentrations may increase the expression of the sodium iodine symporter (NIS) and result in increased iodine uptake of thyroid. All the patient recommended to aviod iodine-riched food and iodine-containing medications prior to iodine-131 (<sup>131</sup>I) scanning in two weeks. But the efficacy of this diet as for technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTc-P) thyroid scintigraphy is not well addressed in the Previous studies. <h3><b>Methods:</b></h3> In July 2017 to November a total of 100 newly diagnosed Graves<sup>,</sup>hyperthyroidism patients were included into this study.All patients underwhent examinatioium-99m pertechnetate (99mTc-P) thyroid scintigraphy and the patients<sup>, </sup>urine samples were collected for uinary iodine excretion examination,The uninary iodine concentration was measured by ductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.Urinary creatinine was also measured for calibration of urinary iodine.The uptake <sup>99m</sup>Tc ratio of thyroid glands (region of interest (ROI)/the neck background) was mesured after technetium-99m pertechnetate (99mTc-P) thyroid scintigraphy.Patients were divided into three groups according to the urinary iodine concentration.Group A :patients with low uinary iodine concentration(defined as a urinary iodine concentration&amp;#8804;100ug iodine/g creatinine [lg/gCr]).GroupB:Patients with medium uinary iodine concentration(defined as a urinary iodine concentration 101-249iodine/g creatinine [lg/gCr]).GroupC:Patients with gigh high uinary ugiodine concentration(defined as a urinary iodine concentration ≥250ug iodine/g creatinine [lg/gCr]). <h3><b>Results:</b></h3> All the patients<sup>,</sup>urinary iodine concentration and <sup>99m</sup>Tc uptake ratio Correlation analysis result show that there is a negative correlation between them.The coefficient of association is -0.24(P&lt;0.05).Group A compared with group B the patient<sup>,</sup>uptake <sup>99m</sup>Tc ratio of thyroid glands is higher but has no statistical significance(p&gt;0.05).Group A compared with group C the patient<sup>,</sup><sup>99m</sup>Tc uptake ratio of thyroid glands is higher(P&lt;0.05).Group A compared with group C the patient,uptake 99mTc ratio of thyroid glands is higher(P&lt;0.05). <h3><b>Conclusions:</b></h3> This study showed an inverse correlation between uinary iodine concentration and<sup>99m</sup>Tc ratio of thyroid glands.Excess iodine intake may supress Graves,hyperthyroidism patients <sup>,</sup> uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate.

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