
During further molecular analysis concerning the function of the translational silencing element (TSE) identified in our publication, we noticed that a plasmid different from the one intended had been used erroneously in one part of the study. The mistake led to the use of a plasmid that contained the TSE sequence in antisense instead of sense orientation, downstream of the luciferase coding sequence in the bicistronic vector employed for experiments in Fig. 8A. Therefore, the conclusions drawn from this experiment that the TSE does not silence cap-independent translation and may function in a spatially restricted fashion (see under “Abstract,” line 10; see under “Results,” p. 29173, right column) have no basis. The discussion of this point (see under “Discussion,” p. 29176, left column) is obsolete. We are very sorry for this error and apologize for any problems it may have caused. Other conclusions and results of the publication are not affected by it. Concerning the question addressed by the experiment in Fig. 8, our most recent experiments demonstrate that the TSE does indeed silence even IRES-dependent translation.


  • During further molecular analysis concerning the function of the translational silencing element (TSE) identified in our publication, we noticed that a plasmid different from the one intended had been used erroneously in one part of the study

  • We are very sorry for this error and apologize for any problems it may have caused

  • Authors are urged to introduce these corrections into any reprints they distribute

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Authors are urged to introduce these corrections into any reprints they distribute. Secondary (abstract) services are urged to carry notice of these corrections as prominently as they carried the original abstracts. IL-1-induced post-transcriptional mechanisms target overlapping translational silencing and destabilizing elements in I␬B␨ mRNA.

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