
This survey, which occupied a considerable portion of the months of August and September 1869, is a continuation of the series of observations made in the west of France during the preceding year. The instruments used were the same on both occasions, the only changes made for the second expedition being (1°) the substitution of a theodolite by Jones in lieu of Cooke’s transit-theodolite, which was slightly too heavy for carrying in the hand, and (2°) the procuring, through the kindness of Dr. Stewart, a second tripod stand similar to our own, which rendered the series of observations with two observers much more rapid than on the previous occasion. The observations were undertaken, as before, by the Rev. W. Sidgreaves and myself, the Vibrations and Deflections falling to his share, and the Declination and Chronometer comparisons remaining in my hands, whilst the Dip was in general observed by both. The method of reduction is almost identical with that adopted for the observations taken in the west of France. The geographical positions of the different stations have been calculated, as far as possible, from the data given in the 'Connaissance des Temps,’ but where this could not be done I have had recourse to the most reliable sources of information at my command. For the accurate determination of the positions of Mont Rolland (near Dôle), of N. D. de Myans (near Chambéry), of Mongré (near Villefranche-sur-Soane), of Iseure (near Moulins), and of our station at Marseilles I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. N. Larcher, S. J., Membre de la Société Météorologique de France. The coordinates of Vaugirard were readily obtained from a good map of Paris, and for Issenheim and Monaco I have to depend on Cassini’s ‘Carte Générale de la France’ and on Philip’s 'Imperial Atlas.’ The Imperial Observatory at Paris is chosen as the natural position for the origin of coordinates, in lieu of our central station of observation at Vaugirard, which lies on the outskirts of the city; the resulting mean values will thus require no correction, and will be immediately comparable with those of most other observers.

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