
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano’s narrative has been one of the testimonies more remarkable of Mexican literature of the XIX century. Its study suggests many ways of approach to one of the more important historic and cultural time living in Mexico. The actual work analyses from the perspective of the ecocritic theory the fundamental importance of space and nature in literature. Clemencia is a novel that inscribes in the romanticism, nature develop in an open space with notables descriptions about mountains, plants, and gardens. The Ecocritics based its study in a natural perspective and about how it comes an active part in the narration; it gives a testimony of a concrete époque and reveals the relation between human / no-human. It is in Clemencia where this characteristic works in a space, where the natural world has and gives transcendental importance, a poetic scenery, nature, conforms for the nineteenth landscape in Guadalajara city.


  • Clemencia is a novel that inscribes in the romanticism, nature develop in an open space with notables descriptions about mountains, plants, and gardens

  • The Ecocritics based its study in a natural perspective and about how it comes an active part in the narration; it gives a testimony of a concrete époque and reveals the relation between human / no-human. It is in Clemencia where this characteristic works in a space, where the natural world has and gives transcendental importance, a poetic scenery, nature, conforms for the nineteenth landscape in Guadalajara city

  • La definición de Rueckert, encaminada específicamente con la ciencia de la ecología, es más restrictiva que la propuesta en esta antología, la cual incluye todas las posibles relaciones entre la literatura y el mundo físico] 2 (pp.[19-20])

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Gastón Bachelard (2000) aborda el espacio a partir de la imagen poética en donde busca la determinación fenomenológica de las imágenes; la imagen emerge al ser desde su condición visible. Su estudio abarca los valores de intimidad del espacio, en donde menciona: “Porque la casa es nuestro rincón del mundo [...] todo espacio realmente habitado lleva como e-ISSN: 1562-384X Año XXV, Número 79 Enero-Junio 2021

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