
The scalability and mobility issues in current Internet architecture have drawn a lot of attentions from researchers. However, there are still many problems in current solutions. In this paper, we argue that three spaces, i.e., endpoint IDentifier (ID), Endpoint Locator (ELoc) and Routing Locator (RLoc), are necessary to realize two separations, i.e., separating identifier from locator and separating edge networks from the transit core. Following this argument, we design ID-ELoc-RLoc based architecture, i.e., IER, a separation approach to solve both mobility and scalability issues. After separating identifier from locator, mobile endpoints can ensure continuity of communications across IP address changes since their IDs do not change during moving. After separating edge networks from the transit core, the size and dynamics of global routing table would not be affected by traffic engineering, multi-homing, etc. in edge networks. In this paper, we introduce the definitions, framework, and implementation considerations of our IER architecture in details.

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