
The seminar entitled “Modernising the global drug control system – Can Europe lead?” was organised in the European Parliament by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), and the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and co-hosted by the Member of European Parliament (MEP) Nikos Chrysogelos.The event aimed to present the recommendations of the Global Commission and discuss the role that the European Union (EU) could play in current drug policy reform debates taking place within Europe and around the world. The seminar also comes at a time when the EU is working on drafting a new Drug Strategy to replace the one that will expire at the end of 2012.Two Global Commissioners participated in the panel discussion - Michel Kazatchkine, physician and former Executive Director of the Global Fund, and Pavel Bem, psychiatrist, who has played a leading role in designing Czech Drug policy and is the former mayor of Prague. To continue reading, please find the report below.On the same afternoon, IDPC and the Global Commission collaborated again to hold a civil society seminar on a similar issue. Please click here to learn more about the event.

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