
A novel Integrated multi-layered network and cooperative computation based Distributed Intelligent System for Rail Automation, IDISRA, is proposed for safe, reliable, efficient and automatic train operations. The objectives are, i) distributing the load from a central server located at a signal house to a neighbourhood of nodes to avoid bottleneck, ii) making the signals intelligent having to-and- fro communication, storing and analyzing capability, iii) integrating the communication mediums from rail to optical fiber to wireless sensors to enable multi-layering of the network, and iv) integrating the multi-layered network based on p2p communication and nested addressing system to enable cooperative computation for local and instant decision making. The multi-layered network combines networks like signal network, station network and junction network. This system can monitor and control local incidents through intelligent signals and sensors to detect early and recover from any emergency situations like node failure, track hazards, fog, fire, collision, sabotage and terrorist activities by providing alternative backup solutions. IDISRA is basically a founding block based on which an overall train operations management system including automatic train movement can be developed. The system eliminates most existing external trackside equipments. The current work focuses on the safety related issues of IDISRA. 

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