
IntroductionThe process of professional self-determination in adolescence is a key developmental task, the successful resolution of which determines the psychological health and well-being. Professional self-determination includes 1) the formation of a professional identity on the base of exploration the possibilities of professional choice, 2) making a decision for professional futureObjectives1) to study the features of a personal professional perspective in adolescence; 2) to reveal status of identity in the field of professional self-determination; 3) to study the relationship between the status of identity and the personal professional perspective.MethodsThe modified Personal Professional Perspective technique (N.S.Pryazhnikov) and the interview to determine status identity in the professional field (D.Marsia) were used. The study involved 144 respondents aged 15 to 17 years.ResultsThe heterochronicity of the formation of the components of the personal professional perspective (PPP) among adolescents is revealed. The connection of the high status of identity in the professional sphere with the formation of PPP has been proved. The formation of all components of the PPP among adolescents with the status of a moratorium and status of achieved identity is higher than in group with diffusion status (U criterion, p = 0.00).ConclusionsThe high status of identity in the professional sphere (moratorium and achieved identity) is associated with a high level of formation of a personal professional perspective.DisclosureNo significant relationships.

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