
The article considers the personal self-determination of the future aviation specialist as a process of conscious estimation of the subject's own inner essential quality. The central point of self-determination of personal development is the awareness of the need for self-knowledge, self-change, self-development and self-realization. The process of personal self-determination of future professionals is determined by the system of their value orientations. The use of active forms of influence on the development of positive self-esteem and self-acceptance of cadets/students optimizes the process of personal self-determination, and further professional self-realization. Peculiarities of personal self-determination at a young age in the conditions of educational process of the higher Flight educational institution of Ukraine are caused by internal determinants of personality development: the nature and style of the cadet/student's self-assessment, the level of readiness for personal and professional self-realization in real social and professional environment, acquiring the meaning of "Self", the presence of positive "Self-concept", the level of personality flexibility development, the life plan presence. The process of personal self-determination of a student depends on the nature and style of his self-assessment. Positive self-esteem in its emotional and value aspect ("self-interest", "autosympathy", "self-acceptance", "self-understanding", "expectation of a positive attitude of others") has a primary impact on the process of self-determination during higher aviation education. Formation of stable socially significant value orientations in young men and women and achievement of a high level of their structure; taking into account socio-cultural, age and individual characteristics of personality development, helped to increase the effectiveness of the process of personal self-determination in adolescence. The use of active forms of influence on the development of positive self-esteem and self-acceptance of students optimizes the process of personal self-determination. Key words: self-determination, self-realization, self-development, future aviation specialist, values and life position

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