
Since its inception, India's physical gig economy (PGE) has grown at a rapid pace. Sadly, there was a widening of the PGE service gap. Cleaning and mechanical services have had fewer transactions than ride-hailing services, which have a high volume of transactions. Studying PGE customers' motivations to use their services is the primary goal of this research. The research methodology and hypothesis were developed by synthesising previous studies on users' intentions. Platform quality, trust, social influence, perceived risk, hedonic incentive, and economic benefits are all regarded to have an impact on customer behaviour and intention. When it comes to determining whether or not a user will stick around and use a particular platform, hedonic motivation outranks everything else. PGE's early use is influenced by social influence exclusively, according to this study. Operators of PGE might use this information to craft effective plans for growing their business and luring in new customers.

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